Beeswax candles add a warm, amber glow to your dinner table. Unlike paraffin candles, beeswax candles burn cleaner with no sticky, black soot. They also purify the air, burn slower, and are virtually dripless in a draft free environment.
We make beeswax candles for our museum, but you can make them just as easily at home. The video below shows you the step-by-step process to making beeswax candles using molds. You can also pour the beeswax into empty glass jars, but you will need a metal clamp and glue dot to hold the wick to the bottom of the jar.
What you will need is:
- Beeswax
- Wick (2/0 ply works for most candles 3" in diameter or less but consult your mold for the best size wick)
- Crockpot
- Candle Mold (we get ours at
- Scissors
- Wooden sticks or clothes pins
- Large needle or bobby pin
- Silicone Spray
- 2 Large Containers for Pouring Wax
- Rubber Bands
- Cotton Fabric Squares