Looking for a book for honey lovers?

Posted by Philip Grad on


Considering how long people have been using honey, it’s no surprise that there is a wealth of knowledge about honey, and infinite recipes using it. If you are looking for a book for a real honey lover, we recently came across Honey: A Connoisseur’s Guide.



The book tells primarily about different types of honey and the flowers they come from. Lehua blossom honey is described as “distinctive complex flavor. Tangy, not oversweet; crystallizes beautifully.” Macadamia Nut Blossom has “hints of roasted nuts and leather” and is considered a “silver spoon collection” honey (to be eaten straight with a spoon it’s so delicious!) We quite agree.

The author also explains what kinds of honeys are good in certain recipes. If you are a honey aficionado, there are instructions on how to arrange a honey tasting (similar to a wine tasting) for the best flavor and bouquet combinations. For instance, you could arrange a tasting from milder to stronger flavored honeys from a variety of blossoms.

The book is more about honey than about bees, which means it won’t tell you how to become a beekeeper, but it has a very good recipe section that has honey in every recipe. There is Pork Loin Roasted with Orange and Ginger, Italian Pine Nut Cookies, Upside-Down Apple Cake, Plum Salad…One idea, replicated below, is Squash Cornbread, which is excellent with some Organic Wilelaiki Blossom honey drizzled on top!


Squash Cornbread
from Honey: A Connoisseur’s Guide with Recipes

1 tsp baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup sour cream
2 tbsp honey (plus more for drizzling!)
2 eggs
3/4 cup mashed cooked squash, at room temperature (this is about 1/4 of an acorn squash)
2 cups cornmeal
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 Tbsp unsalted butter

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Dissolve the baking soda in the buttermilk. Stir in the sour cream and incorporate the honey in a thin stream. In a medium mixing bowl, beat the eggs and add the squash, cornmeal, salt, and buttermilk mixture. In a 9-inch pie plate or baking dish, melt the butter. Tilt the pan to coat the dish well, then pour the excess into the batter (1 Tablespoon), stirring to incorporate. Pour the batter into the baking dish. Bake 30 to 40 minutes, until set at the center.

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